Rent a Car Marketplace proudly made in Romania for Romanians and the whole World


 Cities in Romania - true city break destinations   
Cities in Romania - true city break destinations   20/Apr/2023

Both due to Romania's accession to the European Union, as well as due to the increase in the number of air connections and, last but not least, the development of tourism, more and more Romanian cities have started to become, step by step, city break destinations. In most cases, these cities are also served by an international airport. And last but not least, in all these cities the car rental service (rent-a-car) is at your disposal.

If we made you curious, here are these cities!

Marius Bălășoiu's Facebook post about the rent a car platform
Marius Bălășoiu's Facebook post about the rent a car platform 06/Apr/2023

We were happy to see how a user of the car rental service wrote about us on social media. It made our day even better and encouraged us to keep going. Thank you Marius!
"Well, look, that's why I think we still have a chance - there are also normal people. And the company is a kind of platform that brings together those who have cars to rent with those who want to rent them. At what price do they want to put. Yes, I like it that way! Obviously, I will rent a car only from them when I will need one. It's called simply:''

With Perpetoo rent a car in the mountains, snow and ski slopes
With Perpetoo rent a car in the mountains, snow and ski slopes 20/Feb/2023

For a while, we have winter in the mountains from the end of January to the first part of March. Currently, in all the mountain areas in Romania it has snowed, there is snow and, as such, winter sports can be practiced. From all the cities where offers you vehicles to rent, you can go to the ski areas in Romania. If not for skiing or snowboarding, then at least to give the children a sled; or to drink a hot tea and enjoy the mountain.
Perpetoo offers you car rental services from all major cities in Romania, so depending on where you live, you can quickly reach a snowy mountainside.

How do you get to National Stadium Arena Bucharest for UEFA Euro 2020?
How do you get to National Stadium Arena Bucharest for UEFA Euro 2020? 15/Jun/2021

As you well know, the National Arena will host 4 games in Euro 2020: 3 matches of Group C (June 13, 19:00, Austria - Northern Macedonia, 17:00, Ukraine - North Macedonia; 21 June, 19:00, Ukraine - Austria) and an optimal final (June 28, 22:00).
How do the fans get from Otopeni Airport to the National Arena?

How the Perpetoo Car Rental Marketplace car rental app works
How the Perpetoo Car Rental Marketplace car rental app works 16/Mar/2021

Renting a car in "classic" conditions can be a difficult process. And sometimes not at all pleasant. We've all experienced it. You choose a car on a website, then stand in line at the counter and most of the time you receive another car, a lot of paperwork and guarantees to offer etc etc etc. With this in mind, we set out to create a new standard of car rental when you need to drive a car in the medium term (6-24 hours) or long term (several days). Below we will detail the car rental process based on simplicity and speed for both the driver and the owner.

How do you make money renting your car - 3 easy steps to follow!
How do you make money renting your car - 3 easy steps to follow! 25/Jan/2021

Did you know that cars that are not running have big chances to break? It’s not us who say it, but automotive specialists say it! But what we can tell you is how to get your car to work, or better said: how you can rent it for short periods of time, in fair and advantageous conditions for you! You just need an account on the Perpetoo platform and a few minutes to follow the steps below.

Why rent a car through Perpetoo?
Why rent a car through Perpetoo? 18/Jan/2021

Your mobility needs can be multiple. You might need to rent a car for a few weeks or you might need a car with 8 + 1 seats to take your whole family on holiday. Whatever your reasons, car rental is a comfortable and safe option if you have a few walks in the city or plan a weekend getaway. Let's highlight some of the main advantages of car rental through the peer-to-peer car-sharing service.

Practical recommendations for your journey with Perpetoo
Practical recommendations for your journey with Perpetoo 30/Nov/2019

Perpetoo is the community of cars in continuous movement. Whether you have a car and want to put it to work when you don't need it, or you want to drive a car for a certain period of time, Perpetoo is your community too. Dynamic, convenient, attractive, profitable, comfortable, it will always be ready for fantastic trips.

Perpetoo, the platform that gives you the possibility to hire out your car, aims at 3000 listed vehicles in their first year
Perpetoo, the platform that gives you the possibility to hire out your car, aims at 3000 listed vehicles in their first year 19/Nov/2019

The first peer-to-peer car sharing service in Romania, Perpetoo, intends to bring on 3000 cars on their platform and to intermediate about 25,000 rentals in their first year in the business. In Romania, there are approximately 500,000 registered cars, which are not older than 10 years, and most of them are parked for 95% of the time.

The service that allows you to rent your car has been officially launched: Perpetoo is available in four cities in Romania
The service that allows you to rent your car has been officially launched: Perpetoo is available in four cities in Romania 30/Oct/2019

The first person-to-person car sharing service in Romania, Perpetoo, is available starting this month in Bucharest and in 3 other major cities in the country: Cluj-Napoca, Iași and Timișoara. The service is addressed to those who want to rent their cars, as well as to those who want to drive them for periods from a couple of hours to a maximum of 30 days.

Being polite doesn’t cost anything, but it can bring you more satisfied customers who recommend you to others
Being polite doesn’t cost anything, but it can bring you more satisfied customers who recommend you to others 18/Oct/2019

Does your car meet all the conditions for being listed on Perpetoo? Have you already sent us a request and you are anxious to start at once? Do everything by the book and do not forget some simple, but important rules for your relationship with the future drivers of your car:

Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm offered legal advice for the launching of the first peer-to-peer car sharing platform in Romania,
Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm offered legal advice for the launching of the first peer-to-peer car sharing platform in Romania, 02/Oct/2019

Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm advised the first peer to peer car sharing platform that was launched in Romania: The consultancy involved a series of legal challenges, taking into account that the legislation regulating this segment was not yet finalized at that time, according to the lawyers specialized in the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) area of practice of Pavel, Mărgărit & Associates Romanian Law Firm.

Everything you need to know about the CASCO insurance that your car has when it is rented through Perpetoo
Everything you need to know about the CASCO insurance that your car has when it is rented through Perpetoo 07/Jun/2019

Even if you drive your car daily or you don’t, your car is important to you! We are aware of this and it is the reason why we partenred with some of the most important insurance companies in Romania, UNIQA and Renomia. UNIQA will provide you with CASCO insurance, valid throughout the rental period through Perpetoo.

Welcome to the Perpetoo community blog, a community of active people who embrace the change! Together we will change the way you travel and the way you make money!
Welcome to the Perpetoo community blog, a community of active people who embrace the change! Together we will change the way you travel and the way you make money! 07/Jun/2019

Whether you want to become one of the car owners who list their car on the platform or one of the drivers who will select their dream car and drive it on beautiful trips across the country, the change will be visible and will make you choose Perpetoo whenever you have a traveling opportunity!

5 tipuri de proprietari de mașini cărora li se potrivește Perpetoo
5 tipuri de proprietari de mașini cărora li se potrivește Perpetoo 07/Jun/2019

Citește în continuare și, dacă te regăsești într-una din aceste categorii, fă-ți cont de proprietar, pe site de îndată! Este gratuit și mașina ta va începe să facă bani pentru tine!

Primul serviciu de car sharing de la persoană la persoană din România se pregătește de lansare: Perpetoo va fi disponibil din vara acestui an
Primul serviciu de car sharing de la persoană la persoană din România se pregătește de lansare: Perpetoo va fi disponibil din vara acestui an 07/Mar/2019

Primul serviciu de car sharing de la persoană la persoană din România, Perpetoo, va fi disponibil începând cu vara anului 2019 în București și în alte 3 orașe mari din țară: Cluj-Napoca, Iași și Timișoara.

Afacerile colaborative, precum Uber sau Airbnb, se vor înmulți în 2019 în România
Afacerile colaborative, precum Uber sau Airbnb, se vor înmulți în 2019 în România 10/Jan/2018

Afacerile colaborative, precum Uber sau Airbnb, se vor înmulți anul viitor, apărând inclusiv inițiative românești, potrivit unei analize a agenției de marketing Perceptum. ”Accesul rapid, organizarea eficientă și convenabilă, precum și utilizarea resurselor existente constituie principalele avantaje ale afacerilor din economia participativă în comparație cu serviciile tradiționale. Pe de altă parte, cel mai mare dezavantaj al acestor afaceri, în România, este lipsa de încredere a populației în tranzacțiile pe internet”, se arată în analiză. Pe lângă organizarea mai convenabilă a acestor servicii, consumatorii apreciază și faptul că platformele sau afacerile colaborative sunt fie mai ieftine, fie gratuite, potrivit Perceptum.