Rent a Car Marketplace proudly made in Romania for Romanians and the whole World


Rent a car directly
from local owners!

Car Rental Marketplace
with clear rates
and no credit cards!

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Rent a car in 12 Romanian major cities

Rent a car in: București & Otopeni, Cluj Napoca, Iași, Timișoara, Suceava, Brașov, Oradea, Constanța, Sibiu, Craiova, Bacău, Târgu Mureș.

Rent a car directly from local owners with Perpetoo, pickups from city center, airport or train station.

Top Rated Cars - Rent a Car right now with Perpetoo!

All cars have the same passion: traveling. You can rent a car, van or caravan right now with Perpetoo!

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Rent Perpetoo electric and hybrid cars with the ECO logo!

What is Peer to Peer Car Sharing?

Peer to Peer Car Sharing or car rental from person to person is the innovative service where owners rent their cars to persons willing to drive them/rent them.

These kind of collaborations take place using the online car rental marketplace.

The local owners list their cars for car rental in 12 cities in Romania: rent a car Bucharest - Henri Coandă Otopeni Airport, North Train Station and city center; car rental Cluj Napoca - Avram Iancu Airport, Train Station and city center; car rentals Iași - Airport, Train Station and city center; rent a car Timișoara - Traian Vuia Airport, Train Station and city center; car rental Suceava Ștefan Cel Mare Airport, Train Station and city center; car rentals Brașov - Airport, Train Station and city center, rent a car Oradea - Airport, Train Station and city center; car rental Constanța - Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport, Train Station and city center; car rentals Sibiu - Airport, Train Station and city center; rent a car Craiova - Airport, Train Station and city center; car rental Bacău - Airport, Train Station and city center; car rentals Târgu Mureș - Airport, Train Station and city center.

Discover more

Articles - Car Rentals, Rent a Car, Car Sharing, Peer to Peer Car Sharing


You have transparent rates and insurance. Pay online and no credit card needed. Rent a car right now!

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